terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2012

Third animation set (Action&Emotion)

NOTA: Não é necessário expansão para funcionar as interações!
NOTE: Is not necessary expansion pack to operate the interactions!

By: Alan


talking with hands on hips: a_talk_01
talking with hands on hips (looking to the left): a_talk_02
talking with hands on hips (looking to the right): a_talk_03
talking with the arms down: a_talk_04
talking with crossed arms: a_talk_05
talking with hands on hips (angry face): a_talk_angry_1
talking with the arms down (angry face): a_talk_angry_2
talking with crossed arms (angry face): a_talk_angry_3
talking with shrunken arms (sad face): a_talk_sad_2
sitting talking (looking to front): a_talk_sit_front
sitting talking (looking to left): a_talk_sit_left
sitting talking (looking to right): a_talk_sit_right
clapping: a_palms_0
pounding the table: a_hit_the_table
knocking on the door: a_knock
looking around: a_looking_around
sitting crying: a_crying
walking with arms outstretched: a_walking_stretched_hands
waking up in the bed: a_wakeup_01
walking up on the floor: a_wakeup_02

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